根據New Scientist報導,澳洲阿德萊德大學的Maria Ohlsson Teague 與 Michelle Lane 兩位研究者藉由在老鼠身上的實驗,發現被餵食高脂肪食物長大的老鼠,其子代容易發生胰島素抵抗(Insulin resistance)的情況,也就是說,在表觀遺傳上的改變會在精子細胞的某些區域上延續。研究團隊篩選精子,找出具有能關閉蛋白質製造的遺傳物質,發現在被餵食高脂肪飲食的老鼠精子中,有21個microRNA的表現與正常餵食老鼠的不同。研究者使用已經microRNA的資料庫來預測這些被更改的標記會有什麼影響,而最可能受到影響的生物網絡與胚胎跟精子發育,還有代謝紊亂有關。Teague表示圍繞在睪丸附近的大量脂肪可能改變了周圍的環境,從而鼓勵表觀遺傳上的改變。這份研究結果在本月於墨爾本舉辦的14屆世界人類生育會議上發表。



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kuso英文小辭典》Hes always out and about. 他喜歡趴趴走


有些人總喜歡往外跑,要形容這種人,你可以說:He’s always out and about.,這裡的about不是「大約」,而是「到處」之意。此外也可說:He’s always running around.


AI just called Helen’s dorm like ten times, and no one answered.

BThat’s normal. She and her roommates are always out and about.







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Explaining why someone should hire you, or introduce you to a friend who is hiring, can be uncomfortable. You need to sell yourself, but you don't want to sound like a salesperson. Instead of detailing what's so great about you, tell a story that covers the following:

¡     Situation. Explain the problem or situation that you, your unit, or your company faced.

¡     Tasks. Outline what your responsibility was in solving the problem.

¡     Achievements. Make clear what you did to meet your responsibility.

¡     Results. What happened as a result of your achievements? Did revenues increase? Did customer satisfaction improve? Use specific examples to pique your audience's interest.


by Peter Bregman, Ariana Green, Gill Corkindale, David Silverman, Daisy Wademan Dowling, Nick Morgan, Jodi Glickman Brown, Boris Groysberg, Robin Abrahams

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