

1. 員工升任主管,改變的不只是身分,連平常受到的待遇也會發生一百八十度的大轉變。

2. 走出因地位改變而成型的繭,檢討因頭銜所衍生的效應,用腦去判斷所收到的訊息。

3. 現在固然身居要職,但我也曾是金字塔底端的一份子,今天的我和過去的我並沒有兩樣。

4. 想作個真正成功的領導人,就必須容許別的同事向你挑釁、與你爭辯、跟你作對,這也是領導人的責任。



















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雖然有許多人表示,經濟衰退已經結束了,但經濟前景依舊讓人霧裡看花,想知道經濟是否真的在復甦嗎? Regions Bank 首席經濟學家 Robert Allsbrook 建議,觀察看看粉紅領帶吧。

《富比士》報導,Allsbrook 表示:「大眾在充滿信心時,會選擇穿色彩鮮豔的衣服,因此當他們穿著暗色系衣服時,則表示他們心情不太好。另外,男性的領帶通常是一種指標,因為這是改變穿著的便宜方法。」 


「去年夏天,甚至在雷曼兄弟 (LENMQ-US) 申請破產之前,我看到許多人都穿著有如要去參加葬禮的領帶,但現在呢,越來越多男性換上了粉紅色等花俏的樣式。」他說。


經濟學家因為有機會獲得大量的數據和先進的機器,因此能更方便掌握市場變動率如失業率、債券收益率、新住房開工率和通脹。諮詢公司 Leo J. Shapiro & Associates 的總裁 Owen Shapiro 表示,數據唯一的問題就是,民眾在新聞上看到的數據並非最即時的,因為許多數據會隨著大眾的想法而改變。




因此,為了掌握更多的啟示,他們找尋了其他作為經濟指標方法。總體來說,一切都已經不再惡化,但未來卻還有很長的路要走。 以下是一些經濟指標依據:



Dave Maddox 將所擁有的無線電塔租給電信業者 Sprint (S-US) 和 T-Mobile。每 10 個在洛杉磯和波士頓區域的無線電塔都可以提供服務給 10 家不同電信業者。今 年夏天,Dave Maddox 更成立了 4 個新基台給 4 家準備擴大營運範圍的電信業者。他說現在正是這幾年中市場最好的時刻。



佳士得美洲執行長 Heather Barnhart 解釋,在佳士得拍賣會的所有項目中,葡萄酒是最能代表經濟活動的指標。因為它與 17 世紀家具收藏的價格相比,家具價格已經不太可能變動,但葡萄酒卻並非如此。葡萄酒競標者往往會尋求低買高賣的方式。在今年 9 月,佳士得共賣出總售價 260 萬美元的葡萄酒,幾乎是去年的 2 倍。「我認為這顯示出民眾對於景氣回升充滿信心。」他說。



Hall Company 顧問兼餐廳諮詢 Sam Firer 表示,觀察餐廳垃圾堆的大小也能成為景氣是否回升的判斷之一。美國人選擇再次外出用餐,這對經濟是一個好跡象。擁有許多知名客戶,如 Dos Caminos、Blue Water Grill和 Blue Fin 等的 Firer 說,並不是要看民眾吃了什麼,而是要知道餐廳用了哪些材料,相信在經過困難的 2008 年後,今年又將是「充滿垃圾」的一年。

「另一個好消息是,我的一名顧客 Alicart Restaurant Group 準備要在華盛頓特區開一家 6000 平方英尺的義大利餐廳,經濟真的回升了。」他說。



市調公司 NPD Group 分析師 Marshal Cohen 表示:「牛仔布提供了一個可靠的經濟判別指標」,因為牛仔褲是一種簡單的投資,且一旦景氣回升後,美國消費者的第一選擇就是牛仔褲。因此當經濟開始出現反彈時,雖然整體服裝銷售下降,但牛仔布的銷售卻表現良好。從今年 1-6 月,牛仔布的銷售跟去年同期相比成長 5.3% 至 76 億美元。


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中央社台北7日電)日前辭去谷歌 (GOOGLE)全球副總裁及大中華區總裁的李開復,今天宣佈在北京清華科技園成立投資公司「創新工場」,投資方包括郭台銘領導的富士康集團和中國大陸著名的電腦公司聯想等。








「創新工場」將立足資訊產業最熱門的領域:網際網路、行動網路、雲端運算(cloud computing),並選擇相關技術作為創業起點。






郭台銘指出,「我從1991年結識開復,到今年已經18 年了。從蘋果、SGI,到微軟、谷歌,開復每加入一間新公司,我就會向他請教技術與產業發展的最新趨勢。我佩服他對科技領域的精確把握和科技改變生活的奇思創意。今天,我很高興看見開復把自己的創意變成了創新工場,我相信創新工場將會引領中國未來的網絡科技創新。我也很高興成為開復的創始投資人。」










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By Robert Fabricant


The hype around the iTablet is reaching a fever pitch with the Kindle increasingly looking like yet another example of Apple roadkill. If Apple can consume 32% of the profits in the mobile phone biz in less than three years [1], it should be no problem to swallow the nascent e-reader business in one quick bite. No sooner had Jeff Bezos graced the cover of Fast Company [2] than the Kindle was pronounced dead by the digiterati (actually, it was "Kindle in Danger of Becoming E-books' Betamax [3]," according to Brett Arends in the Wall Street Journal). With competition for e-readers heating up, will Jeff be able to defend his walled garden from rivals inside and outside the category that he built?


I feel some real loyalty to the Kindle. I wrote my first Fast Company posts the same week that Amazon launched the DX and used the Kindle as a prime example of "brand-led innovation [4]." And I was recently interviewed by Lynn Neary at NPR [5] on the topic. Coming from a product design company, I am always thrilled to see a digital company try its hand at physical devices (even if Amazon did poach two of frog's best industrial designers, Wilie Loor and Chris Green, to do it). For all of its faults, the Kindle has produced that crazed you-HAVE-to-try-this-device reaction from quite a few people. So what options should Jeff consider as the forces of doom are assembling around him? Here's a look at five strategies for building a sustainable advantage in the consumer electronics market.


1. The TiVo Strategy: Own a Killer Feature

In preparation for the NPR interview I talked with a good friend who is a Kindle nut. I asked for her input on what is working and not working about the experience. She is a voracious reader, consuming several novels a month. But then, sooner or later, she would get stuck on a particular book. She would have a hard time getting fully involved, and yet she wouldn't be able to give up on it either. Weeks would go by with little progress. When she bought the Kindle she hoped it would solve her "reader's block" with 250,000 books available on-demand. Giving up on books she can't get into should be a lot easier. But she gets stuck just as often. My friend's "reader's block" seems like a nice opportunity for Amazon to innovate on the basic reading experience. The Kindle could notice that your book consumption has ground to a halt and probe for reasons. They could offer an easier way to let you off the hook--return the book for half price, for example. Or Amazon could urge you on with an incentive. Call it "The Kindle Guarantee": You'll read double the books this year or your money back. As Steve Jobs famously remarked about the Kindle, "No one reads anymore [6]." The Kindle has to sell READING, not just books. They could build (and copyright) a more intelligent "skip ahead" feature--just like Tivo allowed TV viewers to do with unwanted commercials--to keep you reading.


Amazon can stay ahead by exploring features that transform the very nature of books, from long term commitments to episodic subscriptions with a "season pass" feature. After all, the only thing keeping the book industry afloat at this point are blockbuster series like Twilight and Harry Potter. Jeff already seems to be thinking that way by serializing Stephen King as part of the Kindle launch. Graphic novels are another easier target. They lend themselves quite naturally to serialization and other non-linear reading innovations. Imagine reading a Sandman story and being able to skip back to the back story behind a particular villain or sidekick. Graphic novels and book series are huge draws with the youth market and could help establish the Kindle as an anchor product in the education market.


2. The iTunes Strategy: Own the Library

It is hard to avoid the Kindle versus iPod comparisons. The history of Apple's conquest of digital music is generally told as the story of Steve Jobs brilliance. But it is easy to forget that he got a huge assist from the very format that the iPod killed: the audio CD. Most people converted their analog music libraries to digital versions before Apple showed up, though they were stored on physical CDs instead of computer hard drives. That put Apple in a prime position to quickly digest our libraries, and before we knew it, we were locked in--iTunes customers for life.

Ever try to "rip" a book? Even Google hasn't been able to figure that one out as part of their digital library initiative. The migration to digital books will be much slower than the migration to digital music, leaving lots of time for competition and open standards to emerge and take over. It is not likely that Amazon will be able to build critical mass around their proprietary file format quickly enough to prevent a more open standard from prevailing. I wouldn't be surprised to see Amazon cave on this one.


3. The Wii Strategy: Own the Device

The new batch of Kindles are attractive products, a vast improvement over the original dud. But there is no hardware advantage to be found anywhere (unlike Apple's patented iPod scroll wheel). Touch is going to level the playing field even further within the next year. Who really wants to fumble with the cramped Kindle joystick nub? Once that happens all e-readers are going to look pretty much the same: thin, touch-based, e-ink slabs, with or without a physical keyboard in putty or...putty.


Amazon, Sony, PlasticLogic, and now Samsung will be forced to compete on minimal functional differences such as network speed (which they don't control), screen size, storage, color, and resolution. These sound a lot more like digital cameras than iPods to me. "Refresh rate" will be the next "megapixel," the obscure technical feature that is marketed to consumers in a vain attempt to make sense of a crowded field of undifferentiated devices. This will be very bad news for Amazon unless they can figure out a unique, and patentable hardware feature. One that transforms the experience of reading books the same way that the Wii remote has transformed the experience of playing video games. Given the trend towards minimal slabs across consumer electronics there is not a lot of room for innovation in hardware other than sensors and feedback. Perhaps the Kindle can be made more "cozy" through various forms of sensory feedback. It could sense the conditions in your room and radiate heat when you are staying up late to read on a cold night. The Kindle could serve as a blanket warmer or a hotplate for your coffee. It could sense when you are dozing off and play soothing music. Or wake you up with a cozy smell in the morning like fresh-brewed coffee or Cinnabon. That might make me reach for it before my smartphone as an increasing number of people are doing before breakfast [7]. I could easily envision a set of sensory themes that can be downloaded and shared from one Kindle to another. This kind of feedback would help to stimulate the sense of contemplation that David Ulin, the book editor for the L.A. Times wrote about so eloquently [8] in a recent post or the "flow state [9]" that Jeff Bezos talks about as inspiring the Kindle in the first place.

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痛批馬事後才「苦民所苦」很諷刺 林火旺請辭國策顧問 


2009/08/20 15:05 記者王筱君/分析報導












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